72 research outputs found

    Cosmetic Accounting: A Review of Literature and Perception of Accountants’ in Nigeria

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    A scrutiny of the international scene over the past ten years has revealed various cases of corporate failure, facilitated by fraudulent manipulation of accounts by managers and with the implication of accountants in some instances. This manipulation is often referred to as cosmetic accounting. These cases have necessitated the examination of the consequences of these fraudulent practices. The study obtained primary data from accountants in Nigeria. Findings from the study show that respondents are aware of cosmetic accounting and that it is unethical. The results also indicate that the investors suffer as a result of decisions made using a doctored financial statement. Evidence also exist that management and auditors of corporate enterprises have a role to play in ensuring high business and ethical standards in order to guide against cosmetic accounting. Keywords: Cosmetic accounting, public confidence, business failure, Nigeri

    A \u27Critical Mass\u27 Approach to Negotiations in the WTO: A Case Study Analysis

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    The thesis examines the viability of the ‘critical mass’ approach to negotiations as a proper substitute for conventional negotiating formats in present and future World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations. The thesis provides an overview of the traditional negotiating formats in the WTO and its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 1947 (GATT 1947). A case study approach is adopted in the thesis to explain the concept of the critical mass-based negotiating modality in the WTO context. The primary case studies are the existing WTO Information Technology Agreement, the WTO Basic Telecommunication Agreement, the WTO Financial Services Agreement, and the projected WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies. The thesis concludes that due to various requirements implicit in its model, the ‘critical mass’ technique may not be a suitable substitute negotiating format for every present and future WTO trade negotiation

    Data mining and public health surveillance

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    Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2013The ability to observe current trends in health information and predict the future health status of a country is an important goal of health service institutions. Health information systems are used to accumulate, validate and examine data in order to provide information which is used in the formation of health policies. The fast growth and integration of databases means health scientists now have a huge resource that can be studied to make inferences and reveal valuable trends. Developing countries like Ghana often lack such systems, with high cost of software and IT infrastructure being the major issues. However, due to its low hardware requirements, an open-source system like DHIS2 solves these problems. There is also the need to develop systems which simulate the human thought process and data mining is one element of this stimulating area of adaptive behaviour and machine learning. The main research objective of this thesis is to examine how medical data are being used currently and explore better ways of analyzing them to deliver an improved quality of health service.Ashesi University Colleg

    Analiza produkcji opartej na odnawialnych źródłach energii w Afryce Zachodniej – studium przypadku Nigerii

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    The limited supply of fossil fuels, constant rise in the demand of energy and the importance of reducing greenhouse emissions has brought about the adoption of renewable energy sources for generation of electrical power. In this paper, the impact of renewable energy generation in Nigeria is explored. A review of renewable deposits in Nigeria with a focus on Solar, Biomass, Hydropower, Pumped Storage Hydro and Ocean energy is detailed. The impact of renewable energy-based generation is assessed from three different dimensions: Economic Impact, Social Impact and Environmental Impact. In accessing economic impact; the conditions are employment and job creation, gross domestic product (GDP) growth and increase in local research and development. To analyze the social impact; renewable energy education, renewable energy businesses, ministries and institutes, renewable energy projects and investments as well as specific solar and wind projects across Nigeria were considered. Also, environmental issues were discussed. Similarly, policy imperatives for renewable energy generation in Nigeria was provided. This paper would be useful in accessing the successes Nigeria has experienced so far in the area of sustainable development and the next steps to achieving universal energy for all in Nigeria in 2030.Ograniczona podaż paliw kopalnych, stały wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię oraz konieczność ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych pociągnęły za sobą konieczność stosowania odnawialnych źródeł energii do wytwarzania energii elektrycznej. W artykule zbadano wpływ wytwarzania energii odnawialnej w Nigerii. Szczegółowy przegląd zasobów energii odnawialnej w Nigerii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem energii słonecznej, biomasy, energii wodnej i elektrowni szczytowo-pompowych i energii oceanicznej. Produkcja energii ze źródeł odnawialnych została przeanalizowana w trzech różnych wymiarach: wpływ na gospodarkę, wpływ na społeczeństwo i wpływ na środowisko. W aspekcie wpływu na gospodarkę wzięto pod uwagę: zatrudnienie i tworzenie miejsc pracy, wzrost produktu krajowego brutto (PKB) oraz wzrost lokalnych badań i rozwój. Analiza wpływu społecznego objęła: edukację w zakresie energii odnawialnej, przedsiębiorstwa, ministerstwa i instytuty zajmujące się energią odnawialną, projekty i inwestycje w zakresie energii odnawialnej, a także konkretne projekty dotyczące energii słonecznej i wiatrowej w całej Nigerii. Omówiono również kwestie środowiskowe. W podobny sposób przedstawiono imperatywy polityczne dotyczące wytwarzania energii odnawialnej w Nigerii. Ten artykuł wskazuje na istotny dla Nigerii cel zrównoważonego rozwoju, jakim jest odnawialna energia dla wszystkich.  Celem jest  osiągnięcie w tym kraju powszechnej odnawialnej energii dla wszystkich w 2030 r

    Modeling the Next Decade of Energy Sustainability: A Case of a Developing Country

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    The development of any country is closely related to its ability to provide access to electricity for productive labor. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have low electrification rates for commercial, industrial and residential consumers. This study focuses on Nigeria, which has one of the largest populations and economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Although Nigeria possesses abundant renewable energy resources that can increase electricity generation, it has suffered a significant setback in electricity generation. However, for Nigeria to become one of the leading industrialized countries by 2030, access to clean, reliable, and sustainable energy sources is vital (Vision 20: 2030). This study assesses the possibility of Nigeria developing and transitioning to the use of various energy sources. Additionally, this study evaluates greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation plans and future trends in energy sustainability through multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), considering the technical, social, economic, and environmental dimensions of the sustainability structure. A total of twelve (12) sustainability indexes were taken into consideration; these consist of two (2) technical, three (3) social, three (3) environmental, and four (4) economic indicators. A scenario-based software called Long-range Energy Alternative Plan (LEAP) was used to integrate the analysis criteria and forecast a sustainable energy generation mix for the future. It considered three scenarios, namely: the business as usual scenario (BAU); renewables, natural gas and biomass scenario (RNB); and renewables and coal scenario (REC). It was concluded that the renewables, natural gas, and biomass scenario (RNB) is the best scenario to solve Nigeria’s energy problem based on the aim of the study.publishedVersio

    An Improved Semi-Analytical Approach for Predicting Horizontal and Multilateral Well Performance

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    Field development and economic evaluation of hydrocarbon demand for an accurate model for predicting horizontal well performance as horizontal and multilateral wells have become far more prominent in the industry than vertical wells. Several approaches for modelling horizontal well performance have been studied and reported in the literature. Analytical approach is the easiest with large inaccuracy in the prediction of the horizontal well performance because of inability to apply it in reservoir-wellbore coupling equation. Numerical approach is more reliable for field application than analytical approach. However, it involves iterative nature that requires longer computational times. Semi-analytical approach is simpler and sufficiently exact for field applications if the governing fundamental flow equation is accurately modelled. This study presents a new semi-analytical model for predicting horizontal and multilateral well performance, which includes friction, acceleration and accumulation induced pressure drop along horizontal well length into the governing fundamental flow equations. The outcomes of the proposed model have been validated by field data gotten from gauge rate of 5660stb/d at steady-state condition. The estimated steady flow rate of 5593.9 stb/day obtained from the new approach shows an error of 1.2% which is seen to be more accurate than steady flow rate values obtained by four previous models that exhibited higher percentage errors when compared to gauge reading

    Lipid Profile and Oxidative Stress Markers in Wistar Rats following Oral and Repeated Exposure to Fijk Herbal Mixture

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    This study determined the effect of the oral and repeated administration of Fijk herbal mixture on rat biochemical and morphological parameters. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into four groups of 6. Group A served as control and received oral administration of distilled water daily. The experimental groups B, C, and D were daily and orally exposed to Fijk herbal mixture at 15, 30, and 45 mg/kg, respectively. Treatments lasted for 21 days. The rats were sacrificed under mild diethyl ether anesthesia 24 hr after cessation of treatment. The blood and liver samples were collected and used for the biochemical and morphological analyses. Oral exposure to Fijk caused elevated levels of rat plasma ALT, AST, triglycerides, LDL, and MDA. In contrast, rat plasma HDL, GSH, and ALP levels were lowered by Fijk oral exposure. Also, the herbal remedy caused a dose-dependent elevation in the plasma atherogenic index. The histopathology examinations of rat liver sections revealed inimical cellular alterations caused by repeated exposure to Fijk. Study provides evidence that oral and repeated exposure to Fijk in rats raised the atherogenic index and potentiated oxidative stress as well as hepatic injury

    Monetary Policy and Bank Credit in Nigeria: A Toda-Yamamoto Approach

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     The importance of money in economic life has made policy makers and other relevant stakeholders to accord special recognition to the conduct of monetary policy. This study investigated the relationship that exists between monetary policy instruments and Deposit Money Banks Loans and Advances in Nigeria. An annual time series data covering a period of 36years from 1981-2016 were sourced from Central Bank of Nigeria and used for the study. The relationship between monetary policy and credit creation of Deposit Money Banks was captured by monetary policy variables and structural changes in monetary policy. The study employed Toda and Yamamoto granger non-causality model to examine the relationship existing between Deposit Money Banks loan and advances and monetary policy variables in Nigeria. The findings revealed that structural changes in monetary policy system exerted positive significant impact on loan and advances of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria findings also revealed bidirectional relationship existing between MPR and loan and advances of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. Precisely, MPR proved to be a significant variable which causes Deposit Money Bank loans and advances in Nigeria. The other explanatory variables; broad money supply (LM2),liquidity ratio (LR), inflation rate (IFR) and cash reserve ratio (CRR) does not granger cause loan and advances of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria within the study period. The study concluded that the structural change in monetary policy system  and monetary policy rate have significant impact on loan and advances of deposit money banks in Nigeria .Hence, the study recommended that monetary authority should formulate policies that will stabilize interest rate so as to boost the investors’ confidence